I don’t want to give the hug of death to a tiny university webserver in Poland so I’m hosting a download link here.
It’s full of wonderful images that I didn’t have time to share. Please take a look!
If you can read the script in these images I’d love to talk to you. Please use the Contact link at the top of the page.
Hi, I’m the one who commented on the Wolfsangel and I had problems with my mobile browser. So, I write you another message, for good measures. Ignore if you already received the the first messages.
This is amazing, thank you for sharing!
Were you able to get translations?
Yeah! we need those translations !
Ok. Just watched the Video about the origin and history of the first screws.
I might try to translate some of the Löffelholz Kodex, though I cannot giarantee anything for now.
The script is written in German. I can decipher a few words at first glance. Investing some time into a closer inspection, I might be able to figure out more if not (hopefully) most of it. My question is: Should I bother?
I think I’ve been able to identify the word “schraufe” in many places in the manuscript, which is an older High German version of the modern word “Schraube” which means screw (According to the brothers Grimm’s German dictionary https://woerterbuchnetz.de/?sigle=DWB&lemid=S17111).
It’s really fun to read (although some parts are really hard to make out) for me as a native German speaker. Regrettably, I don’t have a lot of time to devote to this at the moment.
The drawings are so beautiful!
A fascinating manuscript.
There is a German wikipedia article.
I viewed it through Google translate.
Unfortunately the phase ‘not well researched’ referred to the kodex.
Note you use 2 different spelling for ‘Löffelhol[t]z’.
I hope some of this may be of use.